Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This has been an interesting summer.

For purely commercial purposes I have been trying to get information on consumers of Black and North African origin in Europe. Why? I have a U.S. client ( a Black owned company) which sells hair products predominantly for Black people. The texture of our hair being different, we require different products than people of European origin. Clear and simple.

I contacted over a dozen major market research firms in Europe to do a multi-country survey and was surprised to discover that initially none would accept the mandate. In most of Europe, it is illegal to collect and collate data with respect to ethnic background and income. The idea is that the governments do not want to discriminate or encourage such discrimination and therefore there is no need for such differentiation. Data that is freely available in the U.S.A. or Canada, often as part of the national census, is illegal in most of Europe!

In other words, they don't really know how many of us there are!

Furthermore, current ethnic and religious tensions in Europe means that any such research would have to be done with a degree of delicacy that the mainstream firms just don't seem to have. One quote I did finally receive, for a million dollars, was submitted by a German group of a dozen Blonde haired, blue eyed females who did not even have any Black or Arab/Turkish employees or associate companies. While probably technically competent, I can just imagine these young MBA's trotting around the "banlieues" of Marseille or parts of London. Who is going to confide in them?

The one company that did come forward with a credible quotation, refused categorically to conduct the research in the Netherlands and I am being forced to conduct the research there myself. Holland is apparently a racial tinderbox.

Discrimination against Blacks and Arabs, particularly economic discrimination, is rampant in most of Europe. The situation ranges from avoidance in Western Europe to outright violence in parts of Russia and Italy. Indeed, one of the problems that the research firms faced in trying to quote me, was establishing credible outreach into the "ethnic" or "immigrant" communities. They just did not have the right profile of employee.

As there is no publicly available data on these communities, it becomes difficult for companies and marketers to estimate purchasing power, design products and support them as they do elsewhere in the world. This also means a lack of economic and political clout for the concerned group, who never realize how powerful they just might be. Some 25 million Black people who are European citizens are a force to be reckoned with. And don't assume we are all poor! The same applies to North Africans in France or the newly arrived Moroccans in the Netherlands.

The lack of research capability is another example of the commercial and political marginalization of Blacks and Arabs in Europe, and while perhaps laudable in its original intent, is actually an insult to a large group of consumers. The French government recently appointed a Minister for Diversity, who soon after realized that there were no official statistics upon which to base policy decisions. How are decisions made then?

In 2009, this situation is ludicrous and insulting.

Hey Mr. Sarkozy, Ms. Merkel et. al: how can we dance when you're standing on our feet?

W.L. Carney
September 2009


Unknown said...

Indeed Bill,

Selling a bad expensive car to people who don't know how to drive is much more interesting for a car dealer or garage than selling a very good expensive care to that same people. As long as the dealer has the exclusive right and knowledge of fixing it.

In other words, our traffic jams generate much more money than possible solutions like carpooling or just travel on foot.

And once in a while we see a few Moseses emerging out of these traffic jams. And yes, these Moseses figure out perfectly how to divide the waters and pass safely. The only thing is that as soon as they pass on dry ground, they turn around and close the wall of water again. And all by themselves they can make a great fuss, but they're just a too easy target.

Solutions? Delay of desire satisfaction. A very long delay untill we forgot about it.



K&A Services Group said...

I am not sure why I did not see this earlier.....I can only say that I was born and reared in the 'South'. For those who live in America, you are very aware of what 'the South' means. For those in other parts of the world, the 'South' is a very traditional part of the USA. Many of the families were historically farm families. I lived in honest ignorance as a young man. I viewed the black race within America as 'different' than whites......maybe even as 'less of a race'.

I never knew why I felt this way other than the fact that everyone I knew felt that way. I even joined the United States Army and lived my early life as a racist. I never even knew why.

It was not until I met my CSM in the United States Army that I realized the folly of my ways. CSM Woods was a young black man. In fact, he was more man.....more of a human being, than I'll ever be. It was he who taught me that the value of a human being has not a damned thing to do with the color of his or her skin.

I would to God that I had known these things as a small child. I have spent the better part of the last 20 years attempting to 'right my wrongs' and making it a point to educate myself and others on the great error that has been committed in this world in regards to racism and class warfare.

Bill, I commend you for your valiant efforts and your business expertise.


Jo Campbell Co said...

Thank you for an interesting observation. I enjoy reading your blog.

I see you are presenting two perspectives here

1)the issue of data collection concerning race and religion
2)the issue concerning racism

I believe that though the two issues are interrelated, the first one is an attempt to avoid racism. Remember we have a history where specific races has been pursued and killed. (like the Jewish during Second World War). I believe that this is also what you observed.

As you know the system here in Europe is old and not so flexible. Furthermore there are a lot of reasons to keep the law as it is – though I see your point.

In this case, my advice would be to try to collect the data with another focus. Why don’t you ask them to collect data on hair types rather than on ethnic origin?

All the best